We invite any college or university to participate in the administration of the College + University Teaching Environment (CUTE) survey.
- A CUTE administration starts with registration in the fall/winter. Institutions will provide CUTE staff with institutional contacts and agree to the CUTE Terms of Participation.
- Customization options include options for delivery of recruitment and reminder emails and a selection of administration schedules.
- Each institution provides the names and email addresses of its selected sample of instructional staff (faculty, instructors, and/or graduate students who teach)
- Instructional staff responses are confidential to their institution.
- If institutions are having CUTE staff send recruitment and reminder messages, institutions should prepare for their administration by sending pre-survey announcements and checking in with their IT team.
- CUTE is administered in the spring semester.
- Participating institutions will be able to receive interactive dashboard reports as soon as the survey launches and a raw data file of instructional staff responses after institutions have paid the administration fee.
Study #2007598809 | IRB Approval Date: August 8, 2020