DATASET CLOSE ALL. *save the downloaded dashboard data as an xlsx file. *add appropriate variable levels. VARIABLE LEVEL BNautoA BNcompA BNrelaA BNautoB BNcompB BNrelaB BNautoC BNcompC BNrelaC BNautoD BNcompD BNrelaD BLwork BLcareer BLtime BLactivities BLbalance BLvalues BLflexible BLpolicy BLdept BWteach BWresearch BWservice BWreason BWsatis BWmultiple CRchair CRadmin CRdept CRsuccess CRidteach CRidresearch CRfriend VTinterests VTvalue VTimprove VTdata VTstandards VTdept VTrecognize VTexperiment MMbelong MMnorms MMpromotion MMteaching MMgrowth MMresearch IDteach IDcontent IDstudents IDresearch IDproducts IDcollabs IDservedept IDserveinst IDservehe TCdept TCchair TCleaders TCfaculty TCsaffairs EEtime EEresources EEenviron EEhelp EEgrow CCincivility CCconflict CCevent CCclassdisc CCassigndisc CCbeliefs DIconnect DIskill DIcontribute DIapproach DIstudents DIyourbias DIbiases DImethods DIactive DIempower DIevaluate DIadjust CDinst CDdept CDbiases CDcultures CDequity CDassigns CDconnect DCdept DCchair DCleaders DCfaculty DCsaffairs SEage SEcitizen SEability SEecon SEgender SEpolitics SErace SEreligion SEsexorient RSconflict RSresolve RSwellbeing RSfaculty RSadmin RSstudents DOinstleaders DOinstfaculty DOinstadmin DOinststudents DOfaculty DOadmin DOstudent DOcommunity SLcommit SLresource SLcommun SLstigma SLinfo SLdiscrim SLskills SNcolleague SNaffinity SNnoncoll SNassoc SNwellness MHstress MHdepress MHanxiety STteach STresearch STservice STcolleagues STstudents STtime SThouse STfinances SThealth STsleep STintimate SBisafe SBicomfort SBivalue SBicomm SBdcomfort SBdvalue SBdcomm PRinst PRprof PRacademia PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd TMteach TMadvise TMresearch TMservice TMprepclass TMteachclass TMgrade TMmeet TMadmin TMimprove TMconsult TMvolunteer TMhouse TMrelax (ORDINAL). VARIABLE LEVEL researcher MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic MMnoprog PDfteach PDfdiversity PDiteach PDidiversity OBdiscrim OBrank OBage OBcitizen OBability OBecon OBgender OBpolitics OBrace OBreligion OBsexorient OBother MRposition RPdiscrim TRposition RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother HRhiring HRdiscrim HRage HRcitizen HRability HRgender HRecon HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother DAapptcol format ugcrsnum gradcrsnum fulltime adjunct admin rank tenure genderid re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another re_PNR sexorient (NOMINAL). *add appropriate value labels. VALUE LABELS BNautoA BNcompA BNrelaA BNautoB BNcompB BNrelaB BNautoC BNcompC BNrelaC BNautoD BNcompD BNrelaD SNcolleague SNaffinity SNnoncoll SNassoc SNwellness PRinst PRprof PRacademia 4 'Very often' 3 'Often' 2 'Sometimes' 1 'Rarely' 0 'Never'. VALUE LABELS BNcompD BNrelaD BLwork BLcareer BLtime BLactivities BLbalance BLvalues BLflexible BLpolicy BLdept BWteach BWresearch BWservice BWreason BWsatis BWmultiple CRchair CRadmin CRdept CRsuccess CRidteach CRidresearch CRfriend VTinterests VTvalue VTimprove VTdata VTstandards VTdept VTrecognize VTexperiment EEtime EEresources EEenviron EEhelp EEgrow RSconflict RSresolve RSwellbeing RSfaculty RSadmin RSstudents DOinstleaders DOinstfaculty DOinstadmin DOinststudents DOfaculty DOadmin DOstudent DOcommunity SBisafe SBicomfort SBivalue SBicomm SBdcomfort SBdvalue SBdcomm MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis 6 'Strongly agree' 5 'Agree' 4 'Slightly agree' 3 'Slightly disagree' 2 'Disagree' 1 'Strongly disagree'. VALUE LABELS researcher PDfteach PDfdiversity PDiteach PDidiversity MRposition TRposition RPdiscrim HRhiring HRdiscrim adjunct admin 0 'No' 1 'Yes'. VALUE LABELS MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic MMnoprog OBrank OBage OBcitizen OBability OBecon OBgender OBpolitics OBrace OBreligion OBsexorient OBother RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother HRage HRcitizen HRability HRgender HRecon HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another re_PNR 0 'Not selected' 1 'Selected'. VALUE LABELS MMbelong MMnorms MMpromotion MMteaching MMgrowth MMresearch CDinst CDdept CDbiases CDcultures CDequity CDassigns CDconnect MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd 4 'Essential' 3 'Very important' 2 'Important' 1 'Somewhat important' 0 'Not at all important'. VALUE LABELS CCincivility CCconflict CCevent CCclassdisc CCassigndisc CCbeliefs 4 'Very concerned' 3 'Concerned' 2 'Somewhat concerned' 1 'A little concerned' 0 'Not at all concerned'. VALUE LABELS IDteach IDcontent IDstudents IDresearch IDproducts IDcollabs IDservedept IDserveinst IDservehe DIconnect DIskill DIcontribute DIapproach DIstudents DIyourbias DIbiases DImethods DIactive DIempower DIevaluate DIadjust DCsaffairs SEage SEcitizen SEability SEecon SEgender SEpolitics SErace SEreligion SEsexorient SLcommit SLresource SLcommun SLstigma SLinfo SLdiscrim SLskills MHstress MHdepress MHanxiety STteach STresearch STservice STcolleagues STstudents STtime SThouse STfinances SThealth STsleep STintimate PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity 4 'Very much' 3 'Quite a bit' 2 'Some' 1 'Very little' 0 'Not at all'. VALUE LABELS TCdept TCchair TCleaders TCfaculty TCsaffairs DCdept DCchair DCleaders DCfaculty DCsaffairs 4 'Very committed' 3 'Quite committed' 2 'Committed' 1 'Somewhat committed' 0 'Not at all committed'. VALUE LABELS OBdiscrim 1 'Yes, and it interfered with my ability to work' 2 'Yes, but it did not interfere with my ability to work' 3 ' No'. VALUE Labels TMteach TMadvise TMresearch TMservice 0 '0' 1 '1-4' 2 '5-8' 3 '9-12' 4 '13-16' 5 '17-20' 6 '21-30' 7 'More than 30 hours'. VALUE Labels TMprepclass TMteachclass TMgrade TMmeet TMadmin TMimprove TMconsult TMvolunteer TMhouse TMrelax 0 '0' 1 '1-4' 2 '5-8' 3 '9-12' 4 '13-16' 5 '17-20' 6 'More than 30 hours'. VALUE LABELS DAapptcol 1 'Arts & Humanities' 2 'Biological Sciences, Agriculture, & Natural Resources' 3 'Business' 4 'Communications, Media, & Public Relations' 5 'Education' 6 'Engineering' 7 'Health Professions' 8 'Physical Sciences, Mathematics, & Computer Science' 9 'Social Sciences' 10 'Social Service Professions' 11 'Other disciplines'. VALUE LABELS format 1 'Entirely in-person instruction on campus' 2 'Entirely in-person instruction at an auxiliary location (satellite campus, rented facility, etc.)' 3 'Entirely online instruction where students attend class at specific times (synchronous)' 4 'Entirely online instruction where students always participate at times of their choosing (asynchronous)' 5 'A mix of in-person and online instruction'. VALUE LABELS ugcrsnum 0 '0' 1 '1' 2 '2' 3 '3' 4 '4' 5 '5 or more courses'. VALUE LABELS gradcrsnum 0 '0' 1 '1' 2 '2' 3 '3 or more courses'. VALUE LABELS fulltime 0 'Part-time' 1 'Full-time'. VALUE LABELS rank 1 'Professor' 2 'Associate Professor' 3 'Senior Associate Professor' 4 'Assistant Professor' 5 'Instructor' 6 'Senior or Master Lecturer' 7 'Lecturer' 8 'Clinical Professor' 9 'Clinical Associate Professor' 10 'Clinical Assistant Professor' 11 'Clinical Instructor' 12 'Clinical Lecturer' 13 'Senior Research Professor or Scientist' 14 'Associate Research Professor or Scientist' 15 'Assistant Research Professor or Scientist' 16 'Research Instructor' 17 'Professor of Practice, Professional Practice or Artist in Residence' 18 'Emeritus faculty' 19 'Visiting faculty' 20 'Graduate Teaching Assistant' 21 'Other'. VALUE LABELS tenure 1 'No tenure system at this institution' 2 'Not on tenure track, but this institution has a tenure system' 3 'On tenure track but not tenured' 4 'Tenured'. VALUE LABELS genderid 1 'Man' 2 'Woman' 3 'Another gender identity' 9 'I prefer not to respond'. VALUE LABELS sexorient 1 'Straight (heterosexual)' 2 'Bisexual' 3 'Gay' 4 'Lesbian' 5 'Queer' 6 'Questioning or unsure' 7 'Another sexual orientation' 9 'I prefer not to respond'. *add appropriate variable labels. VARIABLE LABELS BNautoA 'How often: A sense of freedom to make my own choices. ' /BNcompA 'How often: Confidence in my ability to do things well. ' /BNrelaA 'How often: The people I care about (students, colleagues, etc.) also care about me. ' /BNautoB 'How often: My decisions reflect what I really want. ' /BNcompB 'How often: I am capable of doing what I do. ' /BNrelaB 'How often: I am supported by the people whom I care about (students, colleagues, etc.). ' /BNautoC 'How often: My choices express who I really am as an educator. ' /BNcompC 'How often: I can competently achieve my goals. ' /BNrelaC 'How often: I am close with people who are important to me (students, colleagues, etc.). ' /BNautoD 'How often: I do what really interests me. ' /BNcompD 'How often: I can successfully complete difficult tasks. ' /BNrelaD 'How often: I experience warm feelings with the people I spend time with (students, colleagues, etc.). '. VARIABLE LABELS BLwork 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied and rewarded by my work.' /BLcareer 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with the current trajectory of my career and personal life.' /BLtime 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with the amount of time I can devote to non-work activities.' /BLactivities 'Agree/Disagree: I can adequately take part in activities that reinvigorate me.' /BLbalance 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with my current work and personal life balance.' /BLvalues 'Agree/Disagree: My work closely reflects my personal values.' /BLflexible 'Agree/Disagree: I have adequate flexibility in my work to respond to personal matters or emergencies.' /BLpolicy 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with my institution�s policies for extended time off (family leave, medical leave, etc.).' /BLdept 'Agree/Disagree: My department supports both my work and personal needs.'. VARIABLE LABELS researcher 'Do you conduct research, either required or optional, as part of your work at your institution?'. VARIABLE LABELS BWteach 'Agree/Disagree: My institution values my teaching.' /BWresearch 'Agree/Disagree: My institution values my [research,] creative, or scholarly activities.' /BWservice 'Agree/Disagree: My institution values my service.' /BWreason 'Agree/Disagree: My institution�s expectations for how much teaching[, research,] and service that I should do are reasonable.' /BWsatis 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with the proportions of teaching[, research,] and service in my work.' /BWmultiple 'Agree/Disagree: I have ample opportunities to participate in activities that blend my teaching with other aspects of my work' +' (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, High-Impact Practices, faculty learning communities, undergraduate research, etc.).'. VARIABLE LABELS CRchair 'Agree/Disagree: My department chair or supervisor cares about me as a person.' /CRadmin 'Agree/Disagree: I have good working relationships with administrative staff at my institution.' /CRdept 'Agree/Disagree: I have good working relationships with colleagues in my department.' /CRsuccess 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues are committed to my success.' /CRidteach 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues understand how aspects of my identity influence my teaching.' /CRidresearch 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues understand how aspects of my identity influence my scholarship.' /CRfriend 'Agree/Disagree: I have at least one close colleague at my institution.'. VARIABLE LABELS VTinterests 'Agree/Disagree: I share teaching interests with at least one colleague in my department.' /VTvalue 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues value my teaching.' /VTimprove 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues talk about teaching improvement.' /VTdata 'Agree/Disagree: My colleagues use data to improve student learning.' /VTstandards 'Agree/Disagree: Faculty at my institution are held to high professional standards for teaching.' /VTdept 'Agree/Disagree: My department supports me to do my best teaching.' /VTrecognize 'Agree/Disagree: My department publicly recognizes quality teaching.' /VTexperiment 'Agree/Disagree: My department supports experimentation with new ways of teaching.'. VARIABLE LABELS MMmentor 'Mentorship program: Yes, as a mentor' /MMmentee 'Mentorship program: Yes, as a mentee' /MMnonpartic 'Mentorship program: Yes, but I did not participate as a mentor or mentee [exclusive response]' /MMnoprog 'Mentorship program: No [exclusive response]'. VARIABLE LABELS MMbelong 'Mentor importance: Feeling a sense of belonging' /MMnorms 'Mentor importance: Socializing you to the norms of your institution' /MMpromotion 'Mentor importance: Navigating your institution�s tenure, promotion, or merit processes' /MMteaching 'Mentor importance: Improving your teaching practices' /MMgrowth 'Mentor importance: Supporting your professional growth and development' /MMresearch 'Mentor importance: Achieving your research goals'. VARIABLE LABELS IDteach 'Reflects identity: Your teaching practices' /IDcontent 'Reflects identity: The content of the courses you teach' /IDstudents 'Reflects identity: Your interactions with students' /IDresearch 'Reflects identity: The topics of your [research,] creative[,] or scholarly activities' /IDproducts 'Reflects identity: Your [research,] creative[,] or scholarly products' /IDcollabs 'Reflects identity: Your [research,] creative[,] or scholarly collaborative relationships' /IDservedept 'Reflects identity: Your service to your department' /IDserveinst 'Reflects identity: Your service to your institution' /IDservehe 'Reflects identity: Your service to higher education'. VARIABLE LABELS TCdept 'Teaching commitment: Department colleagues' /TCchair 'Teaching commitment: Department chair' /TCleaders 'Teaching commitment: Upper-level administrators (deans, provosts, vice presidents, president, etc.)' /TCfaculty 'Teaching commitment: Faculty colleagues from other departments' /TCsaffairs 'Teaching commitment: Student affairs professionals'. VARIABLE LABELS EEtime 'Agree/Disagree: I have the time I need to prepare for class.' /EEresources 'Agree/Disagree: I have the resources I need to do my best teaching (office space, technology, materials, etc.).' /EEenviron 'Agree/Disagree: The environments (classroom, online, etc.) I teach in are conducive to quality teaching.' /EEhelp 'Agree/Disagree: I know where to go for help with teaching at my institution.' /EEgrow 'Agree/Disagree: I have opportunities to learn and grow in my teaching.'. VARIABLE LABELS PDfteach 'Participation: Formal professional development activities (visited a Center for Teaching and Learning, attended a workshop or training session, etc.) to improve your teaching' /PDfdiversity 'Participation: Formal professional development activities to improve the inclusion of diversity in your courses' /PDiteach 'Participation: Informal professional development activities (discussed with colleagues, consulted reference material, etc.) to improve your teaching' /PDidiversity 'Participation: Informal professional development activities to improve the inclusion of diversity in your courses'. VARIABLE LABELS CCincivility 'Concern: Student incivility' /CCconflict 'Concern: Conflict between students' /CCevent 'Concern: Controversial or disruptive events on campus' /CCclassdisc 'Concern: Student disclosure of sensitive information during class' /CCassigndisc 'Concern: Student disclosure of sensitive information in course assignments' /CCbeliefs 'Concern: Differing beliefs or opinions between you and students, or among students'. VARIABLE LABELS DIconnect 'Course emphasis: Students gain an understanding of how course topics connect to societal problems or issues.' /DIskill 'Course emphasis: Students develop skills necessary to work effectively with people from various backgrounds.' /DIcontribute 'Course emphasis: The course content covers contributions to the field by people from multiple cultures.' /DIapproach 'Course emphasis: The course emphasizes multiple approaches to analyzing issues or solving problems.' /DIstudents 'Course emphasis: You learn about student characteristics to improve class instruction.' /DIyourbias 'Course emphasis: You explore your own cultural and scholarly biases as part of class preparation.' /DIbiases 'Course emphasis: You address your potential biases about course-related issues during class.' /DImethods 'Course emphasis: You vary your teaching methods to allow for the multiple ways students learn.' /DIactive 'Course emphasis: The classroom atmosphere encourages the active participation of all students.' /DIempower 'Course emphasis: Students feel empowered in their learning.' /DIevaluate 'Course emphasis: You evaluate student learning using multiple techniques.' /DIadjust 'Course emphasis: You adjust aspects of the course (e.g., pace, content, or assignments) based on student learning needs.'. VARIABLE LABELS CDinst 'Importance: Increasing the inclusion of diversity in your institution�s curriculum' /CDdept 'Importance: Increasing the inclusion of diversity in your department�s curriculum' /CDbiases 'Importance: Helping students recognize their own cultural norms and biases' /CDcultures 'Importance: Creating opportunities for students to learn about other cultures' /CDequity 'Importance: Creating opportunities for students to discuss issues of equity or privilege' /CDassigns 'Importance: Helping students include diverse perspectives in course discussions or assignments' /CDconnect 'Importance: Helping students connect their learning to societal problems or issues'. VARIABLE LABELS DCdept 'DEI commitment: Department colleagues' /DCchair 'DEI commitment: Department chair' /DCleaders 'DEI commitment: Upper-level administrators (deans, provosts, vice presidents, president, etc.)' /DCfaculty 'DEI commitment: Faculty colleagues from other departments' /DCsaffairs 'DEI commitment: Student affairs professionals'. VARIABLE LABELS SEage 'Supportive environment: Age' /SEcitizen 'Supportive environment: Country of citizenship' /SEability 'Supportive environment: Disability or impairment' /SEecon 'Supportive environment: Economic status or class' /SEgender 'Supportive environment: Gender identity' /SEpolitics 'Supportive environment: Political views' /SErace 'Supportive environment: Racial or ethnic identification' /SEreligion 'Supportive environment: Religious or spiritual views' /SEsexorient 'Supportive environment: Sexual orientation'. VARIABLE LABELS OBdiscrim 'Have you experienced offensive behavior, discrimination, isolation, or harassment at your institution?' /OBrank 'Offense basis: Academic rank, title, or current position' /OBage 'Offense basis: Age' /OBcitizen 'Offense basis: Country of citizenship' /OBability 'Offense basis: Disability or impairment' /OBecon 'Offense basis: Economic status or class' /OBgender 'Offense basis: Gender identity' /OBpolitics 'Offense basis: Political views' /OBrace 'Offense basis: Racial or ethnic identification' /OBreligion 'Offense basis: Religious or spiritual views' /OBsexorient 'Offense basis: Sexual orientation' /OBother 'Offense basis: Other, please specify'. VARIABLE LABELS RSconflict 'Agree/Disagree: My institution is committed to resolving conflicts that involve bias, discrimination, and prejudice.' /RSresolve 'Agree/Disagree: My institution helps people resolve their disagreements with each other.' /RSwellbeing 'Agree/Disagree: My institution encourages people to contribute to the well-being of their community.' /RSfaculty 'Agree/Disagree: Faculty at this institution respect one another.' /RSadmin 'Agree/Disagree: Faculty at this institution respect the administrative staff.' /RSstudents 'Agree/Disagree: Faculty at this institution respect the students.'. VARIABLE LABELS DOinstleaders 'Agree/Disagree: My institution is committed to supporting and retaining diverse senior leaders (deans, provosts, vice presidents, president, etc.).' /DOinstfaculty 'Agree/Disagree: My institution is committed to supporting and retaining diverse faculty.' /DOinstadmin 'Agree/Disagree: My institution is committed to supporting and retaining diverse administrative staff.' /DOinststudents 'Agree/Disagree: My institution is committed to supporting and retaining diverse students.' /DOfaculty 'Agree/Disagree: I regularly interact with diverse faculty at my institution.' /DOadmin 'Agree/Disagree: I regularly interact with diverse administrative staff at my institution.' /DOstudent 'Agree/Disagree: I regularly interact with diverse students at my institution.' /DOcommunity 'Agree/Disagree: I regularly interact with diverse people in my community.'. VARIABLE LABELS SLcommit 'Senior leaders: Demonstrate a commitment to diversity' /SLresource 'Senior leaders: Provide faculty with the resources needed for success in a multicultural world' /SLcommun 'Senior leaders: Create a sense of community among faculty' /SLstigma 'Senior leaders: Ensure that people are not stigmatized because of their identities (racial/ethnic, gender, religious, sexual orientation, etc.)' /SLinfo 'Senior leaders: Provide information about anti-discrimination and harassment policies' /SLdiscrim 'Senior leaders: Take allegations of discrimination or harassment seriously' /SLskills 'Senior leaders: Help faculty develop the skills to confront discrimination and harassment'. VARIABLE LABELS SNcolleague 'How often: Reached out to an institutional colleague for support' /SNaffinity 'How often: Engaged with a campus-based faculty or staff affinity group' /SNnoncoll 'How often: Reached out to a non-institutional colleague for support' /SNassoc 'How often: Engaged with a professional association network for support' /SNwellness 'How often: Used health and wellness practices to address work-related stress'. VARIABLE LABELS MHstress 'Interference: Your overall level of stress' /MHdepress 'Interference:Your overall feelings of depression' /MHanxiety 'Interference:Your overall feelings of anxiety'. VARIABLE LABELS STteach 'Stress: Your teaching responsibilities' /STresearch 'Stress: Your research responsibilities' /STservice 'Stress: Your service responsibilities' /STcolleagues 'Stress: Relationships with colleagues' /STstudents 'Stress: Relationships with students' /STtime 'Stress: Time management' /SThouse 'Stress: Household or care giving responsibilities' /STfinances 'Stress: Your personal finances' /SThealth 'Stress: Your physical health' /STsleep 'Stress: Sleeping well' /STintimate 'Stress: Intimate relationships'. VARIABLE LABELS SBisafe 'Agree/Disagree: I feel physically safe at this institution.' /SBicomfort 'Agree/Disagree: I feel comfortable being myself at this institution.' /SBivalue 'Agree/Disagree: I feel valued by this institution.' /SBicomm 'Agree/Disagree: I feel like part of the community at this institution.' /SBdcomfort 'Agree/Disagree: I feel comfortable being myself in my department.' /SBdvalue 'Agree/Disagree: I feel valued in my department.' /SBdcomm 'Agree/Disagree: I feel like part of the community in my department.'. VARIABLE LABELS PRinst 'How often consider: Leaving your institution' /PRprof 'How often consider: Leaving the professoriate' /PRacademia 'How often consider: Leaving academia'. VARIABLE LABELS PRinequity 'How much reason: Inequity in institutional processes and policies' /PRbalance 'How much reason: Balance and flexibility for work and life' /PRprofdev 'How much reason: Access to resources or opportunities for professional development' /PRcolleagues 'How much reason: Relationships with colleagues' /PRrespect 'How much reason: Feeling a lack of respect or belonging' /PRdiversity 'How much reason: Institutional climate for diversity'. VARIABLE LABELS MRposition 'Is your position reviewed as part of a merit process?' /MRadvise 'Agree/Disagree: I have been adequately advised about the merit review process, including standards and criteria.' /MRreason 'Agree/Disagree: The expectations of the merit review process are reasonable.' /MRfair 'Agree/Disagree: The merit review process is fair.' /MRsatis 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with the merit review process.' /MRlearn 'Importance: Contributions to student learning' /MRteach 'Importance: Teaching practices, skills, and abilities' /MRsotl 'Importance: Scholarship of teaching and learning' /MRaward 'Importance: Teaching awards' /MRevals 'Importance: End-of-term course evaluations' /MRtpd 'Importance: Professional development for the improvement of teaching'. VARIABLE LABELS TRposition 'Is your position reviewed as part of a tenure or promotion process?' /TRadvise 'Agree/Disagree: I have been adequately advised about the tenure or promotion process, including standards and criteria.' /TRreason 'Agree/Disagree: The expectations of the tenure or promotion process are reasonable.' /TRfair 'Agree/Disagree: The tenure or promotion review process is fair.' /TRsatis 'Agree/Disagree: I am satisfied with the tenure or promotion process.' /TRlearn 'Importance: Contributions to student learning' /TRteach 'Importance: Teaching practices, skills, and abilities' /TRsotl 'Importance: Scholarship of teaching and learning' /TRaward 'Importance: Teaching awards' /TRevals 'Importance: End-of-term course evaluations' /TRtpd 'Importance: Professional development for the improvement of teaching'. VARIABLE LABELS RPdiscrim 'Are you aware of inappropriate discrimination in the merit, tenure, or promotion processes at your institution? ' /RPage 'Discrimination basis: Age' /RPcitizen 'Discrimination basis: Country of citizenship' /RPability 'Discrimination basis: Disability or impairment' /RPecon 'Discrimination basis: Economic status or class' /RPgender 'Discrimination basis: Gender identity' /RPpolitics 'Discrimination basis: Political views ' /RPrace 'Discrimination basis: Racial or ethnic identification' /RPreligion 'Discrimination basis: Religious or spiritual views' /RPsexorient 'Discrimination basis: Sexual orientation' /RPother 'Discrimination basis: Other, please specify'. VARIABLE LABELS HRhiring 'Within the past 3 years, have you been part of a hiring decision for faculty at your institution?' /HRlearn 'Importance: Contributions to student learning' /HRteach 'Importance: Teaching practices, skills, and abilities' /HRsotl 'Importance: Scholarship of teaching and learning' /HRaward 'Importance: Teaching awards' /HRevals 'Importance: End-of-term course evaluations' /HRtpd 'Importance: Professional development for the improvement of teaching' /HRdiscrim 'Are you aware of inappropriate discriminatory hiring practices at your institution?' /HRage 'Discrimination basis: Age' /HRcitizen 'Discrimination basis: Country of citizenship' /HRability 'Discrimination basis: Disability or impairment' /HRgender 'Discrimination basis: Gender identity' /HRecon 'Discrimination basis: Economic status or class' /HRpolitics 'Discrimination basis: Political views' /HRrace 'Discrimination basis: Racial or ethnic identification' /HRreligion 'Discrimination basis: Religious or spiritual views' /HRsexorient 'Discrimination basis: Sexual orientation' /HRother 'Discrimination basis: Other, please specify'. VARIABLE LABELS TMteach 'Estimated time: Teaching activities (preparing, teaching class sessions, grading, meeting with students outside of class, etc.)' /TMadvise 'Estimated time: Advising students' /TMresearch 'Estimated time: [Research, ]creative, or scholarly activities' /TMservice 'Estimated time: Service activities (committee work, administrative duties, etc.)' /TMprepclass 'Estimated time: Preparing class sessions' /TMteachclass 'Estimated time: Teaching class sessions' /TMgrade 'Estimated time: Grading assignments and exams' /TMmeet 'Estimated time: Meeting with students outside of class' /TMadmin 'Estimated time: Course administration (emailing students, maintaining course website, etc.)' /TMimprove 'Estimated time: Working to improve your teaching (self-reflection, meeting with teaching consultants, attending teaching or technology workshops, [conducting research on your own courses,] etc.)' /TMconsult 'Estimated time: Doing consulting, freelance work, or employment outside of academia' /TMvolunteer 'Estimated time: Doing community service or volunteer work' /TMhouse 'Estimated time: Household, childcare, or other caregiving duties' /TMrelax 'Estimated time: Relaxing and socializing'. VARIABLE LABELS culture_txt 'What one word best describes the teaching culture at your institution?' /DAapptcol 'What is the general area of the academic discipline of your appointment?' /format 'In what format will you teach most of your courses during this term or semester?' /ugcrsnum 'What is the total number of undergraduate courses you are scheduled to teach during this term or semester?' /gradcrsnum 'What is the total number of graduate courses you are scheduled to teach during this term or semester?' /fulltime 'During this academic term or semester, does your institution consider you to be employed full time or part time?' /adjunct 'Does your institution consider you to be an adjunct faculty member?' /admin 'Do you hold an administrative position?' /rank 'Which of the following best describes your academic rank or title?' /tenure 'What is your current tenure status?' /genderid 'What is your gender identity?' /re_Amind 'Race/Ethnicity: American Indian or Alaska Native' /re_Asian 'Race/Ethnicity: Asian' /re_Black 'Race/Ethnicity: Black or African American' /re_Latinx 'Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latina/o/x' /re_Mena 'Race/Ethnicity: Middle Eastern or North African' /re_Nhpi 'Race/Ethnicity: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander' /re_White 'Race/Ethnicity: White' /re_Another 'Race/Ethnicity: Another race or ethnicity' /re_PNR 'Race/Ethnicity: I prefer not to respond' /race_txt 'In your own words, how would you describe your racial/ethnic identity?' /sexorient 'Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?' /teachenv_txt 'What do you want leaders to know about the teaching environment at your institution?'. VARIABLE LABELS group1 'Institution-reported group variable included in population file (if applicable)' group2 'Institution-reported group variable included in population file (if applicable)'. EXECUTE. *****SKIP LOGIC. *#3. FREQUENCIES researcher. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF researcher=0. FREQUENCIES MMresearch STresearch. DO IF researcher=0. RECODE MMresearch STresearch (ELSE=-9). END IF. ADD VALUE LABELS MMresearch STresearch -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. MISSING VALUES MMresearch STresearch (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES MMresearch STresearch. *#25. FREQUENCIES PRinst PRprof PRacademia. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRinst=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO IF PRinst=0. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRinst=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRinst=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO If PRinst=1. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (ELSE = -9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRinst=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not recieve this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRprof=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO IF PRprof=0. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRprof=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRprof=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO IF PRprof=1. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRprof=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRacademia=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO IF PRacademia=0. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity(ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRacademia=0. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRacademia=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. DO IF PRacademia=1. RECODE PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity(ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF PRacademia=1. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. ADD VALUE LABELS PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF ANY(PRinst, 1, 0). FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF ANY(PRprof, 1, 0). FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF ANY(PRacademia, 1, 0). FREQUENCIES PRinequity PRbalance PRprofdev PRcolleagues PRrespect PRdiversity. *#26. FREQUENCIES MRposition. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MRposition=0. FREQUENCIES MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd. DO IF MRposition=0. RECODE MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MRposition=0. FREQUENCIES MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd. ADD VALUE LABELS MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES MRadvise MRreason MRfair MRsatis MRlearn MRteach MRsotl MRaward MRevals MRtpd. *#27. FREQUENCIES TRposition. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF TRposition=0. FREQUENCIES TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd. DO IF TRposition=0. RECODE TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd (ELSE =-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF TRposition=0. FREQUENCIES TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd. ADD VALUE LABELS TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd -9 'Faculty did not recieve this questions'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES TRadvise TRreason TRfair TRsatis TRlearn TRteach TRsotl TRaward TRevals TRtpd. *#28. FREQUENCIES RPdiscrim. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF RPdiscrim=0. FREQUENCIES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother. DO IF RPdiscrim=0. RECODE RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother (ELSE = -9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF RPdiscrim=0. FREQUENCIES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother. ADD VALUE LABELS RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother -9 'Faculty did not recieve this questions'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother. *#29. FREQUENCIES HRhiring. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF HRhiring=0. FREQUENCIES HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd. DO IF HRhiring=0. RECODE HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF HRhiring=0. FREQUENCIES HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd. ADD VALUE LABELS HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd -9 'Faculty did not recieve this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES HRlearn HRteach HRsotl HRaward HRevals HRtpd. *#30. FREQUENCIES HRdiscrim. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF HRdiscrim=0. FREQUENCIES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother. DO IF HRdiscrim=0. RECODE HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother (ELSE=-9). END IF. EXECUTE. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF HRdiscrim=0. FREQUENCIES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother. ADD VALUE LABELS HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother -9 'Faculty did not receive this question'. EXECUTE. MISSING VALUES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother (-9). EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRecon HRgender HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother. *****CHECK-ALL-THAT-APPLY CLEANING. *#7. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic MMnoprog. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MMnonpartic=1. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnoprog. DO IF MMnonpartic=1. RECODE MMmentor MMmentee MMnoprog (SYSMIS=0). END IF. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MMnonpartic=1. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnoprog. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MMnoprog=1. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic. DO IF MMnoprog=1. RECODE MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic (SYSMIS=0). END IF. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MMnoprog=1. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic. DO IF MMmentor=1 OR MMmentee=1. RECODE MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic MMnoprog (SYSMIS=0). END IF. FREQUENCIES MMmentor MMmentee MMnonpartic MMnoprog. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF MMmentor=0 AND MMmentee=0. FREQUENCIES MMnonpartic MMnoprog. COMPUTE MM_sum = MMmentor + MMmentee + MMnonpartic + MMnoprog. FREQUENCIES MM_sum. NUMERIC MMprogram (F4.0). VARIABLE LABELS MMprogram 'Have you participated in, or are you aware of, a formal mentorship program at your institution (based on a recode where each faculty is represented only once)'. VALUE LABELS MMprogram 1 'Yes, as a mentor' 2 'Yes, as a mentee' 3 'Yes as a mentor and as a mentee' 4 'Yes, but I did not participate as a mentor or mentee' 5 'No'. EXECUTE. IF (MM_sum = 1 AND MMmentor=1) MMprogram =1. IF (MM_sum = 1 AND MMmentee=1) MMprogram =2. IF MM_sum GE 2 MMprogram=3. IF (MM_sum = 1 AND MMnonpartic=1) MMprogram =4. IF (MM_sum = 1 AND MMnoprog=1) MMprogram =5. EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES MMprogram. CROSSTABS MMprogram BY MMmentor. CROSSTABS MMprogram BY MMmentee. CROSSTABS MMprogram BY MMnonpartic. CROSSTABS MMprogram BY MMnoprog. CROSSTABS MMprogram BY MM_sum. DELETE VARIABLES MM_sum. *#17. FREQUENCIES OBrank OBage OBcitizen OBability OBecon OBgender OBpolitics OBrace OBreligion OBsexorient OBother. DO IF OBrank=1 OR OBage=1 OR OBcitizen=1 OR OBability=1 OR OBecon=1 OR OBgender=1 OR OBpolitics=1 OR OBrace=1 OR OBreligion=1 OR OBsexorient=1 OR OBother=1. RECODE OBrank OBage OBcitizen OBability OBecon OBgender OBpolitics OBrace OBreligion OBsexorient OBother (SYSMIS=0). END IF. FREQUENCIES OBrank OBage OBcitizen OBability OBecon OBgender OBpolitics OBrace OBreligion OBsexorient OBother. *TEMPORARY. *SELECT IF OBrank=0 AND OBage=0 AND OBcitizen=0 AND OBability=0 AND OBecon=0 AND OBgender=0 AND OBpolitics=0 AND OBrace=0 AND OBreligion=0 AND OBsexorient=0 AND OBother=0. *FREQUENCIES OBdiscrim. COMPUTE OB_sum = OBrank + OBage + OBcitizen + OBability + OBecon + OBgender + OBpolitics + OBrace + OBreligion + OBsexorient + OBother. FREQUENCIES OB_sum. NUMERIC OBbasis (F4.0). VARIABLE LABELS OBbasis 'Basis of offensive behavior, discrimination, isolation, or harassment (based on a recode where each faculty is represented only once)'. VALUE LABELS OBbasis 1 'Academic rank, title, or current position' 2 'Age' 3 'Country of citizenship' 4 'Disability or impairment' 5 'Economic status or class' 6 'Gender identity' 7 'Politicial views' 8 'Racial or ethnic identification' 9 'Religious or spiritical views' 10 'Sexual orientation' 11 'Other, please specify' 12 'Multiple bases'. EXECUTE. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBrank=1) OBbasis=1. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBage=1) OBbasis=2. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBcitizen=1) OBbasis=3. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBability=1) OBbasis=4. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBecon=1) OBbasis=5. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBgender=1) OBbasis=6. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBpolitics=1) OBbasis=7. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBrace=1) OBbasis=8. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBreligion=1) OBbasis=9. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBsexorient=1) OBbasis=10. IF (OB_sum = 1 AND OBother=1) OBbasis=11. IF OB_sum GE 2 OBbasis=12. EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES OBbasis. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBrank. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBage. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBcitizen. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBability. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBecon. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBgender. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBpolitics. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBrace. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBreligion. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBsexorient. CROSSTABS OBbasis BY OBother. DELETE VARIABLES OB_sum. *#28 FREQUENCIES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother. DO IF RPage=1 OR RPcitizen=1 OR RPability=1 OR RPecon=1 OR RPgender=1 OR RPpolitics=1 OR RPrace=1 OR RPreligion=1 OR RPsexorient=1 OR RPother=1. RECODE RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother (SYSMIS=0). END IF. FREQUENCIES RPage RPcitizen RPability RPecon RPgender RPpolitics RPrace RPreligion RPsexorient RPother. *TEMPORARY. *SELECT IF RPage=0 AND RPcitizen=0 AND RPability=0 AND RPecon=0 AND RPgender=0 AND RPpolitics=0 AND RPrace=0 AND RPreligion=0 AND RPsexorient=0 AND RPother=0. *FREQUENCIES RPdiscrim. COMPUTE RP_sum = RPage + RPcitizen + RPability + RPecon + RPgender + RPpolitics + RPrace + RPreligion + RPsexorient + RPother. FREQUENCIES RP_sum. NUMERIC RPbasis (F4.0). VARIABLE LABELS RPbasis 'Basis of inappropriate discrimination in merit, tenure, or promotion (based on a recode where each faculty is represented only once)'. VALUE LABELS RPbasis 1 'Age' 2 'Country of citizenship' 3 'Disability or impairment' 4 'Economic status or class' 5 'Gender identity' 6 'Politicial views' 7 'Racial or ethnic identification' 8 'Religious or spiritical views' 9 'Sexual orientation' 10 'Other, please specify' 11 'Multiple bases'. EXECUTE. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPage=1) RPbasis=1. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPcitizen=1) RPbasis=2. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPability=1) RPbasis=3. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPecon=1) RPbasis=4. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPgender=1) RPbasis=5. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPpolitics=1) RPbasis=6. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPrace=1) RPbasis=7. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPreligion=1) RPbasis=8. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPsexorient=1) RPbasis=9. IF (RP_sum = 1 AND RPother=1) RPbasis=10. IF RP_sum GE 2 RPbasis=11. EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES RPbasis. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPage. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPcitizen. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPability. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPecon. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPgender. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPpolitics. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPrace. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPreligion. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPsexorient. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RPother. CROSSTABS RPbasis BY RP_sum. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF RP_sum GE 2. FREQUENCIES RPecon RPreligion. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF RP_sum = 1. FREQUENCIES RPecon RPreligion. DELETE VARIABLES RP_sum. *#30. FREQUENCIES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRgender HRecon HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother. DO IF HRage=1 OR HRcitizen=1 OR HRability=1 OR HRecon=1 OR HRgender=1 OR HRpolitics=1 OR HRrace=1 OR HRreligion=1 OR HRsexorient=1 OR HRother=1. RECODE HRage HRcitizen HRability HRgender HRecon HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother (SYSMIS=0). END IF. FREQUENCIES HRage HRcitizen HRability HRgender HRecon HRpolitics HRrace HRreligion HRsexorient HRother. *TEMPORARY. *SELECT IF HRage=0 AND HRcitizen=0 AND HRability=0 AND HRecon=0 AND HRgender=0 AND HRpolitics=0 AND HRrace=0 AND HRreligion=0 AND HRsexorient=0 AND HRother=0. *FREQUENCIES HRdiscrim. COMPUTE HR_sum = HRage + HRcitizen + HRability + HRecon + HRgender + HRpolitics + HRrace + HRreligion + HRsexorient + HRother. FREQUENCIES HR_sum. NUMERIC HRbasis (F4.0). VARIABLE LABELS HRbasis 'Basis of inappropriate discriminatory hiring practices (based on a recode where each faculty is represented only once)'. VALUE LABELS HRbasis 1 'Age' 2 'Country of citizenship' 3 'Disability or impairment' 4 'Economic status or class' 5 'Gender identity' 6 'Politicial views' 7 'Racial or ethnic identification' 8 'Religious or spiritical views' 9 'Sexual orientation' 10 'Other, please specify' 11 'Multiple bases'. EXECUTE. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRage=1) HRbasis=1. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRcitizen=1) HRbasis=2. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRability=1) HRbasis=3. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRecon=1) HRbasis=4. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRgender=1) HRbasis=5. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRpolitics=1) HRbasis=6. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRrace=1) HRbasis=7. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRreligion=1) HRbasis=8. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRsexorient=1) HRbasis=9. IF (HR_sum = 1 AND HRother=1) HRbasis=10. IF HR_sum GE 2 HRbasis=11. EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES HRbasis. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRage. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRcitizen. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRability. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRecon. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRgender. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRpolitics. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRrace. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRreligion. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRsexorient. CROSSTABS HRbasis BY HRother. DELETE VARIABLES HR_sum. *#44. FREQUENCIES re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another re_PNR. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF re_PNR=1. FREQUENCIES re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another. DO IF re_PNR=1. RECODE re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another (SYSMIS=0). END IF. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF re_PNR=1. FREQUENCIES re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another. DO IF re_Amind=1 OR re_Asian=1 OR re_Black=1 OR re_Latinx=1 OR re_Mena=1 OR re_Nhpi=1 OR re_White=1 OR re_Another=1. RECODE re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another re_PNR (SYSMIS=0). END IF. FREQUENCIES re_Amind re_Asian re_Black re_Latinx re_Mena re_Nhpi re_White re_Another re_PNR. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF re_Amind=0 AND re_Asian=0 AND re_Black=0 AND re_Latinx=0 AND re_Mena=0 AND re_Nhpi=0 AND re_White=0 AND re_Another=0. FREQUENCIES re_PNR. COMPUTE re_sum = re_Amind + re_Asian + re_Black + re_Latinx + re_Mena + re_Nhpi + re_White + re_Another + re_PNR. FREQUENCIES re_sum. NUMERIC race (F4.0). VARIABLE LABELS race 'How would you describe yourself (based on a recode where each faculty is represented only once)'. VALUE LABELS race 1 'American Indian or Alaska Native' 2 'Asian' 3 'Black or African American' 4 'Hispanic or Latina/o/x' 5 'Middle Eastern or North African' 6 'Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander' 7 'White' 8 'Another race or ethnicity' 9 'Multiracial' 10 'I prefer not to respond'. EXECUTE. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Amind=1) race =1. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Asian=1) race =2. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Black=1) race =3. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Latinx=1) race =4. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Mena=1) race =5. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Nhpi=1) race =6. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_White=1) race =7. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_Another=1) race =8. IF (re_sum = 1 AND re_PNR=1) race =10. IF re_sum GE 2 race =9. EXECUTE. FREQUENCIES race. CROSSTABS race BY re_Amind. CROSSTABS race BY re_Asian. CROSSTABS race BY re_Black. CROSSTABS race BY re_Latinx. CROSSTABS race BY re_Mena. CROSSTABS race BY re_Nhpi. CROSSTABS race BY re_White. CROSSTABS race BY re_Another. CROSSTABS race BY re_PNR. CROSSTABS race BY re_sum. DELETE VARIABLES re_sum.